Thursday, May 14, 2009

my kit!

/* My kit arrived a week ago, but I've apparently fallen off the blog-weekly wagon so hard that I broke a few bones and got trampled by the Keep Up With Ravelry Posts wagon behind it. The kit is really excellent though and deserves a good kvell :) */

Dear Winifred,

Thank you VERY much for the most excellent kit that you sent me!  I'm sorry that we couldn't meet up at the Fibre Festival in Maryland and do the exchange in person.  In hindsight we should have realized that muggle transportation is unreliable at best, and perhaps studied up on Mr Weasley's modification to the Reparo charm that he uses on Flat Tires.

As you can see below, your Owl delivered all the packages intact.  They made a very cheerful collection :)

First to answer your question: the chocolate is amazing.  I've tasted quite a few varieties and brands of chocolate over the years, and the Lindt Cherry & Chili is the clear winner.  The chocolate has this interesting-but-yummy texture, and the filling stuff is REALLY good.  (Where did you find it???  I went to my local supermarket and they didn't carry it :(  We might need to trade some yarn for more of this stuff, it's ridiculous).

The bag is great! Isn't the ballband stitch pattern fun to knit up?  And it came out so perfectly, I know you mentioned having Bag Knitting Issues earlier but it really turned out terrific.

I'm very excited to try the Square Cake pattern with the sparkly yarn you sent (oooooh shiny!), and the pattern place-markers will come in very handy :)  The Malabrigo is so soft! I think it might become a pair of CocoKnits' Malabrigo loafers (once I figure out how to make the pattern work out and produce slippers that are my size).

Thank you again for a most excellent kit!  See you in the Hallways of Hogwarts next term?


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